Say Goodbye to Poor Harvests: Discover the Magic of Fungi Castings and Soil Amendment
Isn’t it heartbreaking to see the fruits of your labor wilt away due to poor soil health? As lovers of…
We prioritize public education and promote regenerative, fungi-based growing systems for various crops, emphasizing the importance of healthy soil for thriving plants.
Millipoo, derived from an ancient nutrient decomposition process, helps promote humus formation and improve soil quality for better plant growth.
Price of 5 GAL (2X2.5) $316.00
Price of 5 GAL (2X2.5) $460.00
Price of 5 Bags $125.00
Price of 5 Bags $50.00
Price of 5 Bags: $125.00
Price of 5 Bags $100.00
Price of 5 Bags $80.00
Price of 5 Bags $90.00
Isn’t it heartbreaking to see the fruits of your labor wilt away due to poor soil health? As lovers of…
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Join us on our journey to create a greener, healthier world. Explore our range of sustainable solutions and let Genetic Potential Products be your partner in cultivating a thriving garden or farm
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